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MD Senior Living Academy

THE COMPLETE PHYSICIAN'S MASTERCLASS to Creating Financial Freedom With Residential Assisted Living Facilities

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Physician Powered Prosperity!

$15000: that’s how much money just ONE Residential Assisted Living property can generate in net income - every single month.

How would an extra $10,000 or $15,000 a month transform your life?

Would you still work insane hours like you have been? Would you pay off your student loans early? Or would you switch to a lower-stress, higher impact position - where you can spend more time working with patients and less time on administrative work? Or would you spend time with your family, finally pick up those hobbies you haven't been able to pursue, or go on that dream vacation? Residential Assisted Living communities, or RALs for short, can give you the freedom to practice medicine the way you want to. Not because you have to.

But It’s Not Just About the Money

If you’re like me you got into the medical field because you wanted to help people, and helping seniors in your own RALs is a perfect extension of that.

It’s a great opportunity to make an impact by providing seniors with safe, beautiful housing and personalized care - especially in their most vulnerable, golden years. And now is the perfect time to start because the “Silver Tsunami'' isn't just coming…

The “Silver Tsunami” is Already Here

According to the US Census Bureau, by 2040, the number of Americans aged 65 and older will more than double. There are over 75 Million Baby Boomers out there, and the oldest won’t even reach their 80s for another decade - which is the typical age at which they will enter assisted living.

Therefore, we are only on the rising tide of demand for assisted living.

But even today, the demand for senior living housing and care greatly outweighs the supply. This makes RALs a truly recession proof business independent of market cycles. Seniors will always need assistance in their daily living beyond a certain age and the nation needs high-quality RAL facilities to provide that assistance to them.

10,000 people turn 65 & 4,000 people are turning 80...Every...Single...Day!

And you're the perfect person to provide this support because...

You Have a Huge Advantage in This Industry

When it comes to this industry you have a big advantage over your competitors, and that means you can provide a higher quality of care for your residents, while also making a great return. It’s an easy way to differentiate your facility from other homes in the area and create higher quality care to help seniors live longer, stronger, and healthier.

So what is this advantage?

It’s the fact that you’re a medical professional, of course!

It's one of the key reasons we were able to grow to owning 10+ RAL homes as rapidly as we did with leveraging of our physician partners!

How Does This Advantage Work?


Physician Oversight

Families prefer care homes with physician oversight. More so than anything. They want their parents to reside in a home with close medical oversight because they can rest easier knowing that a doctor is only a phone call or short visit away. And because of this, these homes are able to save residents from so many unnecessary, costly, and tiring ER trips or hospitalizations.


Health Technologies

Additionally, as a physician you can make use of many health technologies and medical services that can only be prescribed by physicians for seniors with chronic care issues. This allows you to not only have closer oversight on your residents’ health conditions, but to also generate extra revenue.


Higher Demand

That's why physician-run homes will remain in high demand regardless of where you open them. You will find that your homes will fill quicker, have waiting lists, and you will set a new bar for homes in the community to emulate. Families understand the tremendous value and credibility physicians bring to the table and are even willing to spend more to house their parents in such homes.

The Complete A to Z Guide to RAL Investing

When I started out in this niche, I realized there was nothing out there that provided the complete blueprint to starting and running a successful RAL community.
There were bits and pieces here and there, but I had to figure out most things through trial and error and I don’t want you to have to do the same.
That’s why in this masterclass I’ll guide you through every step of the process - from finding the right real estate, finding the right partners, building out your team, running the business successfully, and much more.
I’ll show you the exact strategies that worked for us and help you avoid the ones that didn’t. I’ll teach you marketing strategies and how to leverage your background in medicine to create high quality homes to help your seniors live healthier and stronger.
Here’s a quick look at what’s included inside:

You’ll see all the mistakes I’ve made and how you can avoid them, but more importantly, I’ll teach you the exact steps to take so you can create your own, thriving Residential Assisted Living community.


Module One

Why Get into Senior Assisted Living?

This module provides a critical foundation to getting started in RAL. We’ll go over the opportunity in senior assisted living, the one KEY aspect that could be the difference between success and failure, and how you can get started even if you don’t have that much capital. (We started two RAL care homes with only about $25K each!)

Module Two

Real Estate: Understanding the Real Estate Opportunity in Senior Living Care Homes

This module is all about the real estate and property side of an RAL - including renovation strategies, acquisition strategies, and in-depth guides to every step of the process. You’ll get detailed breakdowns of different strategies of getting into the RAL space. I will share real-life examples of renovation budgets, and a concrete process to do due-diligence so you don’t overpay for your RAL. Finally we will cover the various financing strategies on how you can acquire your first RAL.

Module Three

Effective RAL Operations

Having a great team is key to running a successful RAL, but hiring the right people can be incredibly hard. That’s why in this module I’ll walk you through the exact process you can use to hire for every single position - from the manager and administrator to the caregivers. You’ll also get step-by-step processes on how to get licensed no matter what state you reside in. We will break down all the steps you will need to know what needs to prepared so the State licensing department can sign you off correctly - the first time. Finally, I will teach you how we utilize numerous marketing strategies we use to keep a near full occupancy rate across all of our homes. While many other homes in our region have struggled to stay afloat, our homes have consistently outperformed our expectations. .

Module Four

Leveraging Your Medical Expertise into Your RAL

Help your residents thrive and live safer (live longer and stronger) There are numerous personal health technologies, 3rd party services, and service organizations you can use if you’re a physician to further care for your residents. In this module I’ll go over the best options I’ve found and how you can make them work for you. Using remote health tech, you can closely track the health of your residents while also generating extra passive income - without becoming their primary care provider! It won’t matter what your speciality is in medicine having your medical license will allow you to tap into these service. By implementing some of these strategies, you will learn how this will set your home lightyears apart from the competition to the point your RALs will be setting a new standard for others in your area to emulate!

Module Five

Growth Strategies, Case Studies, & More

Want to know the exact revenues and operational costs behind my RALs? What about the powerful strategies I used to grow and acquire them? This module contains a lot of insider information you will not find anywhere else. Did you know once you have your first RAL up and running you will not need much additional revenues to get your 2nd and 3rd started? With just 2-3 RALs you can be financially independent, and I’ll show you how I accomplished that goal within 5 years!
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But That’s Not All!

I cover a lot of content in the videos but I wanted to overdeliver which is why you’ll also get exclusive documents to speed up the process and make the complex process of creating policies, procedures, and licensing agreements much easier.
Here’s what you’ll get inside:

A comprehensive resource guide that supplements the course and has additional course information from renovations, to licensing and marketing strategies

(nearly 200 pages of information expanding on all sections of each module.)

A resident lease agreement document - utilize this as a model to set up a lease agreement between your home and your future residents

Policies and procedures for running a successful RAL community - the backbone documentation for all RALs and Assisted Living Facilities around the country

Information on specific licensing requirements that encompasses all 50 states.

Private Strategy Sessions with myself upon course completion so you can start your next steps. (Executive package has 14 sessions)

Access to an exclusive Inner Circle group and Monthly Webinar Series for ongoing support and education x 1 year.

Additional information on tax strategies, leveraging health tech, acquisition strategies, case studies, and much, much more!

Listen to Dr. Krishnan Discuss RAL Investing



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Instruction With Experience

Dr. Sendhil Krishnan is a board certified Interventional Cardiologist in Southern California and co-founder of MD Senior Living, one of Arizona's largest providers of high quality Residential Assisted Living Facilities. 

Dr. Krishnan brings his passion for elder care and expertise in real estate and has helped numerous physicians and health care professionals achieve financial freedom by learning the strategies and blueprint to help create their own RAL facilities. His long term vision is to have a network of high quality assisted living homes across the country, led by medical entrepreneurs sharing best practices and polices across the homes.

Dr. Sendhil Krishnan, M.D.

      14 Day Guarantee

I know the material in this course works… but I also know RALs are not right for everyone. That’s why you can join now, check it out, and if you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email me within 14 days for a complete refund.

Watch to Learn More About  MD Senior Living

MD Senior Living was founded in 2019 to set a new standard of care and excellence in serving the vulnerable aging senior population. Our homes are designed to provide the best possible care for our residents, with a focus on comfort, safety, and well-being. Our physicians play a critical role in the operation of our homes, ensuring that residents receive the highest level of medical care and attention. Our homes are also staffed by a team of highly trained and experienced care professionals, who are dedicated to providing the best possible support and assistance to our residents. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on the well-being of our residents, our care homes offer a truly unique and unparalleled experience.

If all this gets you your own RAL opened within 6-9 months and financial freedom within just a few years, would it be worth it?

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Success Stories: Physicians Share Their Journey After Completing Our Masterclass 

Watch inspiring testimonials from physicians who have completed our Masterclass and are now confidently pursuing their dream of opening their own Residential Assisted Living homes. Discover the knowledge, skills, and confidence they gained, and learn how you can join them on the path to RAL ownership success!